Thursday, 3 August 2017

SEO Episode 35: Why SEO Will Never Die? Why Everyone Should Learn It?

Why SEO Will Never Die, And Why Every Pakistani Should Learn It: The Complete Guidance Part 2/2

SEO Episode 35:

In the last seo episode, One question that remained unanswered, why every Pakistani should learn it? What is its future?
If you know by 2020, SEO will be 80 billion dollars industry. Can't believe? Write in Google Search; you will see Search Engine Land's article. Read that.

Right now, there is no competition in Pakistan in the world of SEO; you can rank any website of any niche with some hard work. Why don't people work on Pakistani niche? Because they say the CPC of Pakistan is very very low, and they can't get Google Adsense for it.

In part 1 of this seo episode, I explained which things are necessary in order to become an SEO expert as well as I gave a link to the free training offered by Shahzaib Shafi that you can see in the reply of the third comment of this post where you can learn SEO in Urdu. Links of previous episodes are given at the bottom.

As far as CPC is concerned, they are right. CPC is quite low. Why it's low? Have you ever thought? If you understand how Google Adsense works, then you will have a better idea.
Because Pakistani companies don't spend much money on Google Adwords, then it means low spending that makes low CPC. Can you imagine the future of Pakistan?

A number of internet users are increasing day by day, you can read the latest article on Propakistani that showed only 3G and 4G users have crossed 33 million whereas the rest of the users that use DSL are not in the data.

In a few next years, when the internet users will be more than 100 millions, the websites that have been made now will be like gold in the future.
Many SEO experts wish they knew about SEO in 2000, they could make another, another, another came into being in 2008 when it used to get only a few hundred visiters per day; now it gets traffic in millions. It's Google Adsense. Aamir Atta, the founder of Propakistani, didn't lose hope. He did hard work, and has got success.
It's the best time to start this business. For starting this, you don't need programming. You just need hard work. I can help in every way either it comes to buying a hosting, domain, difficulty in making a site. You can ask anything.
You're the future. You have unlimited potential. You're just not taking the risk. You can never win if you don't try. You can never fail if you try.
Have You Missed the Previous 34 SEO Episodes and Videos?

Then Go To SEO Episode 34: Why SEO Will Never Die? Why Everyone Should Learn It?

Ideas by: Muhammad Aamir Mursleen

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